R U Ok?


In a random world, where there is a myriad of interconnected complex systems, laws and desires, it’s hardly surprising that at times our minds are a flit to inner chaos, requiring energy to add order to our inner chaos.

2020 has applied many factors for such contemplation, Inner Chaos- the third in the…

The true cost of humanitarian giving

If ever a year has slapped you down each and every time you pretend to find your feet, it is this one.

All of us have been inconvenienced in the pursuit of protecting ourselves, and those we love.

To celebrate World Humanitarian Day on the 19th August, we are launching an illustrated interactive book, ‘50 faces; illustrated portrait art’ designed for your expression. Recognising and seeing’ a face always brings a memory or feeling, this book encourages you to explore that.

What do these faces have to say? Have they sacrificed a lot for humanity? WHO are they?
that’s where you come in, it is for you, for now, and each and every time you see the pages. get to know these faces and let your brain create a life for them.