All in Sumi

Rat 2020 - Happy Nooo Year

The 2020 Metal Rat Lunar year brings creative energy & an evolved determination.
A prosperous and lucky year full of new beginnings... and things you want to write down.

We have 2 Rat 2020 Notebooks formats with this delightful Sumi-E ink rat, A Large hardcover and a square Paperback.

Each page is ruled, illustrated with running rat footprints and they are numbered. The notebooks have a contents and an index page to keep all your notes organised.

Energy, a Sumi ink look at how we do it

Sumi-e is a Japanese word for a style of black ink painting.
Where portraying the essence (Ch'i) of Nature in an individual brushstroke, and placing emphasis on the beauty of each stroke, rather than to mimic realism, is a vital ingredient of Sumi-e.

This is an illustrated Art story (picture book for adults, not x-rated).
Each ink stroke evokes poetic imagery of the nature and energy of humans' being.

'Human Energy' illustrations are figurative spontaneous abstract art, they explore human energies such as love, life and dance. Each piece was titled with a corresponding mood, upon reflection of the series, the titles became a story and the story become a book, an art picture book.

We are happy to celebrate this deluxe hardcover edition of ‘Human Energy’.