All in Hardcover Gift Books

Kisses XOXO

With less than a week to Valentine’s day, if you have a Kissing partner, it’s time to get your priorities straight and make sure they realise how much you appreciate them. Something that should be done most days anyway, but this is the yearly reminder to make sure you actually do it… today… ok?

If your kisses are anything like this- then you are halfway there.

Kisses XOXO’ a new traditional art illustrated ‘Blinkies’ Cover, Hardcover blank (un-ruled) Notebooks with smooth 70 lbs (105gsm) premium white paper available in 2 sizes.

Gorgeous Colourful Hardcover Notebook Design

Patch’ is fun new Blinkies Notebook from Gilbert Pepper.
Blinkies is a series of Blank (un-ruled) Hardcover notebooks to inspire any words or sketches that you are about to have. The smooth premium 70lbs paper is great for colour pencils and graphite.

Available in two sizes, these are our last 12 Books for Christmas we have released this week, Phewf,

We hope Patch will tide you over until our next release in the new year, otherwise take a look at the 9 other Blinkies covers.