Large Dot Grid Calligraphy Notebook

Large Dot Grid Calligraphy Notebook

Large dot grid Calligraphy notebook is great for large nib pens and brush calligraphy practice

Large dot grid Calligraphy notebook is great for large nib pens and brush calligraphy practice

When is an Artist? everyone will have a different answer. So choose the answer that best serves you.
I have been playing with calligraphy since I was a kid, it’s probably the only art form I have (floatingly) consistently always stayed attached to, and have practised momentarily over the years. Compared to other forms of art which apart from junior school stuff, I have not really known until inspiration struck a few years ago.

This is a great example of what it takes in Art- to be at a level where you consider yourself an artist, (other peoples opinions will always vary).

I love calligraphy pens, I adore ink. I love the intricate details of all the traditional fonts as well as a lot of digital typefaces. I have filled out pages of letters from different styles, lines, and flicks, only to be bored and unhappy with the results.
For me, the joy from calligraphy comes from just playing with the pens making some words quickly and if they look ok- great, the joy of the ink is what fuels this passion.

I have accepted that while it will always remain close to me, limited time in a world of unimaginable possibilities and crafts, my time and dedication is much better invested in my true calling- illustration, where I am slightly obsessed and have the patience and motivation to do whatever it takes to learn the skills of drawing, art and media techniques that my imagery demands.

If you know someone who enjoys playing with calligraphy and loves to make a layout with nice large pens and brushes, or someone who likes to practice it with a bit more dedication, this book would be great to keep these fun font expressions as a treasure over the years.

ISBN: 978-1-925991-40-6

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